Connect with Helmut Nagy

Helmut Nagy

Semantic Web Company GmbH

Picture of Helmut Nagy

Helmut is COO of Semantic Web Company (SWC), the provider of the PoolParty Semantic Suite. SWC is headquartered in Vienna, Austria, but operates globally. PoolParty Semantic Suite is used by over 200 commercial, government and non-profit organizations to provide AI and semantic search solutions.

In his role as COO, he designs and implements customer-centric processes and supports the strategic planning of the PoolParty Semantic Suite together with the involved teams based on the SWC business strategy.  

Helmut is a well-known expert in the field of knowledge management and semantic AI. He has worked with global organizations to help them develop their knowledge and AI strategies and implement semantic search solutions based on knowledge graphs. Helmut is co-author of The Knowledge Graph Cookbook.



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