The Call for Speakers is Now Closed

New Synergies and New Solutions

Hybrid text analytics (the intelligent interplay of human and software) has been an essential part of deriving value from enterprise text for many years, but with the revolutionary debut of ChatGPT has that changed? Does GPT/LLM make text analytics obsolete? Or does the interplay of text analytics and GPT/LLM create new synergies and new solutions that deliver even greater value than either alone? As the initial hype subsides, the answer is clear: New Synergies and New Solutions. Join us to explore what these new solutions are, what kinds of value they bring to the enterprise, how to build solutions that take advantage of their synergies, how text analytics makes the new AI smarter, and safer and much more.

Share your experiences with text analytics: the challenges and the rewards, what worked and what didn’t, what you had fun doing and what you didn’t. The Text Analytics Forum is a place for sharing ideas and experiences in text analytics from beginner to advanced developers. We cover all aspects and approaches to text analytics including machine learning and AI, semantic categorization rules, build your own to advanced development-testing software, and human-machine hybrid applications.

We want to hear about how you are using text analytics to create really useful applications, enhance and apply taxonomies and ontologies, and make existing applications smarter. What lessons did you learn in building these applications that you can share? What new applications have you built? What new techniques have you developed to drive the new applications? What challenges have you had in getting text analytics funded and what applications are you developing?

Speaking Topics

Text Analytics Forum is seeking speakers who inform and excite attendees with practical how- to’s, fascinating use cases that showcase the power of text analytics, new techniques and technologies, and new theoretical ideas that drive text analytics to the next level. Have you experimented with ChatGPT? Is ChatGPT a revolution or the next incremental step.

Speaking topics this year will include but not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Text
  • Analytics: Putting the Intelligence in AI
  • ChatGPT – What impact? Hype or ?
  • How Are You Using Generative AI?
  • How Overcome Machine Learning’s Need for Huge Data Sets
  • How to Get Started in Text Analytics
  • How to Take Text Analytics to the Next Level
  • How to Select Text Analytics Software
  • Machine Learning and Rules-based Approaches: Either/Or or And
  • New Approaches in Text Analytics
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Graph Databases
  • Text Analytics ROI: Making the Business Case
  • Beyond Sentiment Analysis – Understanding Customer’s Behavior
  • Voice of the Customer, Employee, Voter
  • Text Analytics and Fake News
  • Fraud Detection
  • Hybrid tagging: Best of Both Worlds
  • Auto-Categorization as Part of the Publishing Process
  • Using CM Templates and Text Analytics to Populate Metadata Facets
  • Python Coding for ChatGPT/GPT4
  • Python Coding for Preprocessing Content
  • Social Media Mining for Customer Insight and Competitive Intelligence
  • Building a Corporate Taxonomy with Text Mining and Text Analytics Tools
  • Text Analytics and Ontology Development – Fact Extraction and Text Mining
  • Text Analytics and KM – from Expertise Location to Community Support
  • E-Discovery and FOIA
  • New Models of Knowledge Organization
  • Integrating Dynamic Clustering and Taxonomies
  • New Sentiment Models: Psychology and Text Analytics
  • Enterprise Text Analytics – A Platform for Text Applications
  • Semi-supervised Learning for Multiple Applications
  • Text Analytics Analysis of Political Content
  • Text Analytics and Cognitive Computing
  • Text Analytics and Enterprise Search
  • Text Analytics and KM – from Expertise Location to Community Support
  • How Are You Using Generative AI?
  • Using Text Analytics to Auto-Populate Expertise Profiles
  • Text Analytics and Enterprise Search
  • Using Content Structure Models to Improve Accuracy by 50%
  • Automated and Semi-automated Methods to Populate Search Facets

How to Submit a Proposal to Speak

To participate in Text Analytics Forum 2024 as a possible speaker, or to suggest a speaker, please post your submission no later than May 26, 2024.

Submissions must include a proposed title and description of the session, speakers’ and co-presenters’ names and full contact information, and a few sentences of biographical information that relates the speaker to the topic. All submissions will be reviewed and notification regarding acceptance will be made by July.

Conference Organizer

Text Analytics Forum is organized and produced by Information Today, Inc., a diversified digital media and print publisher and conference and events organizer and producer. Our mission is to deliver world-class content in a variety of formats and serve our audiences with the information they need to make informed and critical decisions for their organizations.

Conference Program Director

Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect, KAPS Group, USA

Tom Reamy is currently the Chief Knowledge Architect and founder of KAPS Group, a group of knowledge architecture, taxonomy, and text analytics consultants. Tom has 20 years of experience in all aspects of text analytics development and applications, taxonomy, and enterprise search. Tom’s academic background includes a Master’s in the History of Ideas, research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and a strong background in philosophy, particularly epistemology. He is the author of the only comprehensive book on text analytics, Deep Text. He has published articles in various journals and is a frequent speaker at text analytics and information and knowledge management conferences. When not writing or developing text analytics projects, he can usually be found at the bottom of the ocean in Carmel taking photos of strange creatures.

Featuring These Co-Located Events
  • KMWorld
  • Enterprise Search & Discovery
  • Taxonomy Boot Camp
  • Enterprise AI World